
Tobacco Hurts Business
Provides information on employee tobacco use and how it can affect business, as well as the steps that can be taken to minimize the impact. provides information from various U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) operating and staff divisions.

The Tobacco Portal
The Tobacco Portal is a resource center providing links to tobacco related data, reports, scientific information and publications.

Surgeon General's Report on Youth Tobacco Use

Smokefree Policies in Multi-Unit Housing: Steps for Success
This online curriculum from the American Lung Association, is a guide for promoting, planning and implementing a smoke-free multi-unit housing policy.

Tobacco Prevention Policy Tool
This tool from the American Academy of Pediatrics showcases policy strategies that support tobacco prevention.

Smoke-Free Counter & Calculator on Facebook

Smoke-Free Housing
Materials are available that can be downloaded and customized.

FDA Center for Tobacco Products in Spanish

FDA Center for Tobacco Products in English

Healthy People 2020 Tobacco Specific Objectives

State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System
An electronic data warehouse containing up-to-date and historical state-level data on tobacco use prevention and control.

WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2009: Implementing smoke-free environments
The report is the second in a series that tracks the status of the tobacco epidemic.

Toolkit for Businesses: How Tobacco Use Hurts Your Bottom Line
This toolkit educates business owners on the impact of tobacco use to their bottom line.

CDC Best Practices Tool
Using Best Practices: Practical Lessons in Building and Sustaining Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs

Tobacco Atlas Online
Detailed tobacco-related information from around the world.

National Business Group on Health
The National Business Group on Health's Website for companies that want to help their employees quit smoking.

National Networks for Tobacco Control and Prevention
Website serves as a one-stop shop for all priority population tobacco control information.

Tobacco Cessation Leadership Network

Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids

Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights

Tobacco Industry Documents: An Introductory Handbook and Resource for Researchers

Nebraska Health and Human Services / Tobacco Free Nebraska
(These are links to the TFN website...they will take you out of the Virtual Clearinghouse Website)

Articles & Resources for Coalitions and Others

Useful Links

Publications & Reports

Local Coalitions


Tobacco Free Nebraska • P.O. Box 95026 • Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-5026 • Phone: (402) 471-2101